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blog post in No Food for Thought AV1: A Victory for Open Video Rejoice. One major component of modernity - video - can now be compressed using a stable, specified and fully open royalty-free video codec, with [https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2018/07/11/royalty-free
blog post in No Food for Thought Cookie consent: how many clicks should the ePrivacy Directive cost citizens? By now, everyone has consented to cookie usage hundreds of times. All technologists are aware this phenomenon was started by ((wp:ePrivacy Directive|the Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive
blog post in No Food for Thought Goodbye Flash, Hello Complete Freedom! Although Debian has been my main home PC's OS for more than a decade, I've always used proprietary software on it. Usually various drivers or firmwares, and sometimes applications. But always, the 2 m
blog post in No Food for Thought Searching for a post-Google search engine? Ever since my friend Guillaume made me discover Google in the late 1990s, I never looked back. I've been using Google Search almost exclusively for a ¼-century, and I became a Gmail user even before
blog post in No Food for Thought Selected Select2? Better go with option #2 I haven't contributed much to Select2 , a JavaScript library to replace native HTML sel
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